Feature Spotlight: Vortex Wash

The Vortex wash, formerly known as Enema wash, is our most powerful wash mode specially designed to help relieve hardened feces (constipation).  It is a super concentrated stream of water that sprays out one nozzle opening.

This feature is especially effective on the Supreme BB-1000 with the 3-in-1 nozzle.

While some people might not need assistance with such a feature, it has been proven to be extremely helpful for those who are unable to use their abdominal muscles to encourage bowel movements as well as those who deal with chronic constipation. 

The Vortex wash is available on the following models:

  • Bliss BB2000
  • Bliss BB1700
  • Prodigy (P770 and P700)
  • DIB
  • Supreme BB1000 (our strongest Vortex wash)
  • Slim One
  • Slim Two
  • Slim Three
  • HD-7000
  • Ultimate 770 
  • Prestige BB800 (Turbo wash)



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